Thursday, July 15, 2010

Water Source

These three pictures show the water source that is shared by 300 families. You must lug your buckets to this source to receive water. Sometimes the line can be really long and patience can wear thin. Aren't you thankful if you want a glass of water, want to wash your hands, want to bathe, want to cook, you can turn your faucet on to get water? We are so blessed!


  1. When you get it it probably is full of parasites and needs to be filtered and purified. We take so many things for granted here in the US. We turn on the tap and get clean clorinated,flouride enriched water to bath,drink,wash our cars and even swim in we are blessed and very spoiled!!

  2. I guess none of my other post got published. I know it is said that a picture paints a 1000 words if that is true then going to where the picture is taken paints 100,000 words. I love to hear each one report on how the trip touched them but folks just won't truly understand until they can say I have been there and done that!It is almost like someone saying that is the best icecream and just taking there word for it... no you have to try it!!You might know I would come up with a food annalogy!! LOL!
    Keep up the Good work.


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