Sunday, June 26, 2011

Safe Arrival

We have arrived safely in Nicaragua and are thankful for the prayers. Daily posts and pics will begin tomorrow. Please keep us in your prayers as we all seek His guidance and wisdom to do what is right for His kingdom. Jesus te ama!


  1. I am so glad you are there safely and can't wait to start reading more and seeing Nicaragua through your eyes again.

  2. Looking forward to hearing from each of you if you get time for each to post. When you all get back we should have a big get together and have beans and rice...LOL! Joking of course,Later!

  3. I was the smart-elic that posted about the beans and rice and forgot to put my name, Freddie.


Thank you for reading about our Mission: Nagarote adventure. Please leave a comment here so the team knows you are thinking about and praying for them.