Sunday, July 8, 2012

Culture Day 2012 - The Masaya Volcano

We were fortunate that this visit to the volcano did not smell as sulfur-y as in the past. The wind was definitely in our favor! Unfortunately, due to an eruption in April, not only did we have to wear hard hats, but we also were unable to climb up to the highest observatory. And in case anyone is curious... in case of another eruption, we were instructed to crawl under the bus for maximum protection.

All vehicles must park backwards for a quick exit.

There was a slightly elevated lookout. To the right, you can see the smoke rising from inside the volcano.

The high look out we were unable to get to.

Our group. Complete with hard hats.

There is also a museum at the entrance to the national park that we explored before we went up to the volcano.

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