Friday, July 10, 2015

Sharing the love of Christ (Bible and food distribution part 2)

Friday morning we headed out to resume the package delivery throughout the Smile Community. We handed out toys to the children and a bag containing a Bible, beans, rice, and hygiene items.

A Visit to Leon PART 2

More of our visit to Leon in pictures....

Sports Camp

Interacting is a huge part of making connections in the town you serve. The team was able to spend time playing soccer this morning.
It was very entertaining, and these kids take their soccer seriously!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A visit to Leon

Today we took a trip to Leon and checked out the local markets and the cathedral. Leon is about 45 minutes North of Nagarote. León is the second largest city in Nicaragua, after Managua. It was founded by the Spanish as León Santiago de los Caballeros and rivals Granada, Nicaragua, in the number of historic Spanish colonial churches, secular buildings, and private residences. As of 2012, the city had an estimated population of 201,100 which increases sharply during university season with many students coming from other regions of Nicaragua. It is the capital and largest city of the department León.