Saturday, July 11, 2009

Photos From Saturday

Saturday morning started with a breakfast of chicken tamales in banana leaves. Then, we went to Iglesia Philadelphia to hold our final Children's Carnival. The afternoon was spent discussing our plans for Monday and Tuesday and researching a few new ministry opportunities that we might be able to take advantage of before we leave. Our team is doing great remaining flexible.

The children waiting for the program to start this morning.

saturday morning 007c

A young girl who asked for a butterfly to be painted on her face and then made a coffee paper butterfly.

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This young senorita had her hair curled around paper and secured with bobby pins so that it would be bonita for Sunday morning.

saturday morning 025c

The children this morning loved the group shot. The children had just finished making their salvation bracelets.

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Gertrudis is serving peanut butter crackers after we shared the gospel story through the bracelets.

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And finally, proof that not all missions work is as glamorous as passing out crackers and singing Che-Che-Wa-Wa!

 saturday morning 037c  saturday morning 039c

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