Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quick Update

Sorry for the lack of pictures or posts over the last couple of days... we've been busy (and the card reader broke on my laptop).

Yesterday, we spent the entire day traveling around Managua, Granada, and Masaya viewing local areas of interest like a volcano and a flea market.

Today, small groups of people are taking turns delivering care packages (1 lb of beans, sugar, and rice each) to the homes of the students at the Dream of Louisa school.

The rest of us are packing up the clothing we are going to leave here and then the things we are planning to take home.

Don't stop reading once we get home tomorrow... we'll have more information, pictures, and ways for you to help next year coming soon!

Please pray for a productive final day and safe travels home tomorrow!

Oh, and praise God that all illness has been minimal - just 3 people seemed to have had any type of sickness.

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